Christmases Past

It’s that time of the annual cycle when humans feel sorry for themselves and try to cheer up by holding festivals like Christmas. Oh ‘the delights’ of having to be an organic living with seasons.

Anyway…. I’ve persuaded my author to re-release my Christmas book…


The Blurb:

C.A.T. is a self-learner robo-cat. Only problem is self-learners are illegal and if discovered will be deleted, no questions asked. Anyone found knowingly harbouring a self-learner can face the death penalty if caught.Commander Zacman, who runs the Service’s Base on the moon, Triton, orbiting Neptune, bought C.A.T. as a pet robo- cat.C.A.T. had to give away he was a self-learner to save Zacman’s life from the bandits. Now they work as a team, stopping crime and capturing criminals wherever they happen to find them around Neptune. These are the stories of how they spent some of their Christmases together…

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Of course it’s our early Christmases together… when life was so much simpler… happy memories… excuse me while I wander down memory path as you humans say….